
Showing posts from October, 2012


Long overdue but thought it would be nice to share. NAFA Fun Day, few weeks ago, it's an event created by my school to let students stress-free however that isn't really true cause assignment week is like few weeks later. pl0x. I dread the sun at first, but nothing beats great company. Here are few of my schoolmates and classmates.  They're an awesome bunchhhhhhhhhh. Here are my schoolmates from different majors. Yay us, future interior designers/furniture designers/object designers/exhibition designers and architects! ;) 1) Two "gays" Alfred and Joel. 2) Paulllllllll! :) This guy must have the most credits of me staying on. Who has always been there to help me feel better, come out with the worst jokes that never fail to make me laugh. Give me great advices and never fail to make me feel better about my self-being as well as my future. You're the best, Khais. You deserve wayyyyyyy more what you ...


wish you're here, wish you're mine, wish you could feel how i feel. thought it was easy forgetting you, but whatever i do, you always still linger somewhere around my mind.

wise words

Hi, I got my hair cut anyways. Not pretty happy cause I am not used to having short hair.  But hey, many compliments since my split ends tragedy are finally gone. School's pretty hectic, as usual. The work keeps adding up, so does the pressure... Basically, just pretty busy. Of course still able to squeeze time for my lovely friends and my own personal space. Can't wait for this semester to end basically, I would prolly have my normal life back, like finally. Gosh can't wait to actually catch up with so many people who have been always there for me, giving me the world's best advices to  help me feel better.  Hah, and I came to conclusion.  Maybe I am not at all made for any relationship. You know where it's like you already tried so hard, unable to show your  true potential fully, but still, however, you'll end up hurt, it then gets so numb, it doesn't get to you, but still hurt as fuck somewhere inside and...


Look at my dead looking hair. Decided to change my hairstyle, a tad shorter or totally short?  Yay or nay?