Sum up

Well, hi everyone.
This post would be about the a-week-away stay off from my home, like a chalet stay thing.
It was something I would forget, but I would never forget the upgrades and stuffs, they upgraded the television into a fucking 50 inch plasma tv, it would be the best ever to watch *****, which I did.
However I got interrupted a lot of times which
made me pissed, I stayed indoors quite a lot,
cause prolly these days are the monsoon period.
Raining, best to stay indoors and keep yourself busy. Sigh. Not much to say cause I couldn't really remember. My baaaaddddd.
I did not even invite any of my friends or anything, I thought this would be the opportunity for a time off for me to relax and sway my free time away.
My phone was in airplane mode for the whole week.
However, my sister's friends came, well, they are truly a friendly bunch.
And yeah, they are in NIE, meaning they are studying to become local teachers in government schools, just talking and chatting with them makes me puzzled about them, if they are really truly gonna' be teachers cause they are bitchy as hell, they gossip really well, I don't know, I just do not expect those stuffs to that extent in teachers. I can't even put my mind to imagine such.
Nuff' said.

Pai (My sister's friend)


He stole my jacket.

This is Marcus, he's my extreme annoying cousin.
I do believe he acts as actors in the show "Boiling Point"
He does it really well and quick on anyone.

Jamal, favorite cousin.
Isn't he so cute still?

My eyebags were bad, so was my weight. :<