Bendemeer Prom Night 2010
I shall say I am pretty happy how the graduation turned out last Friday, 19 Nov.
We wanted them to win, really badly.
The bitches crew.
Zaidi again.
Chew Yen
we look like F1 girls, yay her for making me look fit to be in. harhar.
Rey > Jing Shing > Me
Siti Zulaikar.
I thought it was memorable and everything just happened to fast.
My malicious plan did not carry out in the end,
cause everyone was like my instant friends that night, ONLY for that night.
Everyone was so pretty and handsome in their dresses and blazers.
Everyone looked really good and comely, no puns intended.
Though the place was pretty cheapo, the food tasted like paper,
nothing really stop my classmates' spirits.
We shouted, scolded teachers and throw our rudeness around the ball room,
felt great cause I bet everyone was waiting for that moment to actually
shout back to your discipline master, teachers and just go against rules for the last time.
I remembered when we wanted our classmates WenBei and Zaidi to win,
we shouted like mad, like the whole ball room was echoing their names like extremely loud,
turned out to be another pair, and we all start cursing and swearing and
we even wanted to throw the tables at them. Hahaha luv you 5Ns'.
Wild children, indeed.
To be honest, it's a sad thought.
I really really really miss this year, this year especially in school,
I get to know a lot of people's insights and feelings, mainly cause I've been
jumping from group to group (the chinese gang, the malay crew, the bitches or just random people). Strange how I could socialize with people which I initially
thought I could never communicate to them at first, then to friends I actually shared problems with, and share my thoughts with them to tackle them.
Indeed they'd been extremely good pillars whenever I am down. Sigh.
I'm missing school already.
This will be the first long post I will be dedicating to my lovely classmates this year.
And soon after these, I will talk about life in secondary school when the time is appropriate also.
The following photos load might murder your computer, really. TRUE SPAM.
More like... lengthy post.

Wenbei > Joel > Kian Sing

Ahmad Syafiq.
It's my first year pursuing academics with you, you are so weird at times.
Earlier this year, everyone thought you were a pervert then gay then god knows what.
You are a good classmate, do remember the time where we did our
high pitched voice to irritate Vasanthan to death, okay, till he went crazier.
A lot of memories in class when everyone called you "angkat" or "angkat teacher bola",
cause you were like all teachers' pet, it's like you are always answering first but wrong.
I would never forget you did the licking-clit sign to Vasanthan which got you almost in trouble by
our social studies teacher. Hahaha. How unpredictable can you be?

Mohamad Thanjeel
I did not really have conversations with you, cause after school hours, you would
disappear and find your girl friend which then again, have a sister who look so damn identical. :/
Scares me. Right, I know you adore my annoying way to call your name, and you totally
have to respect me for complimenting on your long eyelashes almost every semester.
I won't forget you made me fall, face flat, on the ground during floorball. (Y)

Eng Kiat
From day one, I complimented on how awesome your body looks, like your packs are
so so hard to get. Hands down on your wushu skills. We were really close throughout this year,
we bitched,gossiped,shared problems,irritated one another,talked cock....
I mean, you have to admit that you kinda like my irritating way of commenting on your
thin eyes. -___- sign im always giving to you. Cause of you, I mixed with the Chinese gang.
And, you promised me, you will bring me to go drink.
I won't forget how much I irritated your ex-girlfriend's names, disturbed you about them all,like ridicule possibilities and such. HA HA HA! Luv you, Aaron Lim.

Kian Sing & Qun Kai
Well, applause to them for ruining the disturbing performance by two
alumni of the school, I sure do hope they did somehow spoilt the whole night.
Embarrassed that they share the same race as me.
Anyway, cheers in this two. They burst in the ball room like Mission Impossible shit.
Pure idiots.
Vasanthan > Yong Kiat > Faisal

Vasanthan > Yong Kiat > Faisal
throughout all, Yong Kiat is my favourite classmate.
Though he lacks in reaction, I know he is a really good friend deep down.
We ought to go clubbing, dont we, yong kiat?
Vasathan wise, well, Sue Ann and me were pretty afraid of you first half of the year,
but I soon simmered down and realize it's the last year, no hatin' please.
You were okay, but you're really unpredictable and creepy at times.
Creepy as in when you mumble to yourself weird stuffs or like have interests in weird things.
I don't know. Just Unpredictable.
Faisal, you're in a different class than me, not much to say, I so sorry.
I mean you're a man of a few words. I hope you would expand your social circle
in future like in poly or jc or something.

Ahhh. my favourite malay boomer. Yes, boomer from L4D, thats what I call my classmates whom or which happen to have a belly. I was afraid they would get offended at first, but instead, they were pretty happy about it, and start playing virtual shooting game in classes, like shooting a boomer with a sniper... Okay, you guys might not get it, but I do remember it.
Ahhh. my favourite malay boomer. Yes, boomer from L4D, thats what I call my classmates whom or which happen to have a belly. I was afraid they would get offended at first, but instead, they were pretty happy about it, and start playing virtual shooting game in classes, like shooting a boomer with a sniper... Okay, you guys might not get it, but I do remember it.
Zaidi, I call him black boomer. Well, he has a talent that is yearning to be heard by the rest.
He has really good voice, real charming indeed and he's good with acoustics. I do hope he will
expand his interests in music into something much more known. It may be his dream, I don't know. I mean wouldn't it be awesome to have a guy or friend singing soulfully through the phone or live infront of you? I would love that whenever I am feeling really sad or down.
Part of Malay crew.

I know this year was really tough for all of us, you're hardly at school,
I do clearly remember you had this sudden news of you migrating over to the states,
it was so shocking that everyone kept mouth shut and Saleha wept the whole day.
Could really see that she regard you as a real friend towards her.
Seeing her cry cause of you, sure did made me feel sorry. You were very quiet in classes anyways, but you did have some sudden outburst of enthusiasm and excitement.
Hahaha, remarkable at girl can be.

Alice Tay Hui Li
This must be the hardest year for you. I mean most Chinese boys were against you cause
of Noah and whatever incident he was inferring to. I do remember you were one of my close friends in Secondary 2 together with Gavin and Sera. I can't remember much but there were some minor conflicts between us all... All I know you are unpredictable, most probably cause you mixed too much with your group till maybe, you share the same mindset as them.
I heard a lot of rumors about you, I didn't really believe in them cause it's quite hard to swallow to. I mean it's almost impossible or unthinkable. I don't know.
Well, being unpredictable isn't a bad thing, mind you.
I also do believe you'll be even prettier in coming future. :>

Sorry he's 17, he's 16, and he's in my cousin's class.
Do not know him much, but look out cause from what I heard, cause he's somehow
getting in the scene.

The theme was Masquerade anyways.
Was crappy, it was like a belated Halloween for us.

Justin Leong
I think you've grown since Secondary One. I do not know why Vasanthan keep picking
on you on how small you are. I mean, you are taller than me and thats quite fantastic right?
I have to remember that we were talking about a certain topic which scares us throughout days after that, we would send text messages with sarcasm comments. Oh tell me, how
funny can you get huh?
Justin > Noah > Me > Revathi.

Justin > Noah > Me > Revathi.

Nigel Seah Tiong Hong
Remember this year how I regarded you as my class boyfriend. I would
hug you and rest my head on your shoulders, slap your face really hard for fun. Why? Cause you wouldn't give a reaction..
just...the :l face, which is good. Anyhows, you are looking very korean in this picture.
I remembered when we suck in whatever Sachin say like free one. And you freaked me out
when you said you were in my primary school. Like... what the fuck, till Secondary 5, I finally knew you were from my primary school. Ha ha ha.
Or shall I say, I did not really notice you throughout Secondary school except for this year.
Well, I do have good memorable times with you. And when I complimented that you're cute and handsome, I mean it. I do hope you will have a korea-like girl whatever in future.
I mean Korean stars are all plastic ain't they? Sigh.

We wanted them to win, really badly.

The bitches crew.
(Noah > Justin > Sue Ann > Hannah > Joel)
Recess times with bitchings, gossips and talking really dirty.
And ridiculous stunts by them all really. I would emphasize on BITCHING for this group.

Neo Sin Ee
You were regarded as my known friend in Secondary school.
We were from the same tuition before Sec 1, so I knew you first before I really knew everybody else. We were really damn close in lower Secondary. We would go your house and I would be so so so terrified of your furry dog. Cause of your long legs, your actions made you look really funny and retarded at times. I remember you took hell a lot of photos, mostly camwhore with Sera and Bevin along. Walking aimlessly in Bugis and town finding cheap thrills and stuffs.

Hahaha, you've changed so damn much. I do remember you were really close to me
in primary school, you've changed so much in secondary school and I kinda end conversations
with you when you entered the school's dance club whatever.
Sorry, but I really dislike all of them, cause I think they ought to know, ought to get accept criticism and I know cause I am not the only one. Take this as a reality check.

Mr Jerry Potato ph5 Orange Patrick Seah
Best chemistry teacher everrrrr! Initially I thought you couldn't beat Ms Tan, my previous Chemistry teacher, teaching skills. But I do see your willingness and patience in wanting
us all to pass and do well for Chemistry. I know I lazed around first half of the year, cause of the weird teacher we were attached to. Please, I do wish to forget about him.
I ran away from classes, but I soon settled down after I see you really put across
your target to the class, where you sternly cleared out your aim for our class.
I do appreciate your pesistence in wanting to teach our class, giving us endless notes, tests in lessons. And how you encouraged me by calling me a "Bitch" or "Ugly teeth bitch" and teasing me with Ignatius and stuff, also how I attacked by calling you "Orange", "Potato", "Patrick Seah"
or my favourite one... poke your stomach. I will definitely remember you for you have been a great inspiring teacher for me. :> Thank you, Mr Seah for your guidance.
Mostly appreciated.

Zaidi again.

Chew Yen
we look like F1 girls, yay her for making me look fit to be in. harhar.

Rey > Jing Shing > Me
JingShing is a girl who is really quiet but have an outrage when she has the opportunity,
and seizes it well whenever she's given one. I do respect for standing really strong despite her loss of her family's breadwinner and how the class pleaded her to pursue on her studies.
I actually adore her when she complains. It's plain but cute at the same time.
Rey/Zarine. I do not know how to spell your name cause you're switching names
faster than me changing my undies everyday. Kidding. You are so wild everytime,
you come with weird ideas, you are like a man in a girl's body. :I Creeeeepy.

Favourite boy. He shouts, screams, whines, pinches, punches, laughs, pokes, slaps regardless of anybody's gender. You're a true comical figure. I like him cause he made me laughed till I almost pee-ed way more than my fingers and toes total. I really do wish to have more outings with you
cause you really enlighten my spirit. Ha ha, I hate you for not having your own phone,
but glad you are always calling to see how am I, or... cause my phone number is really easy to remember. I have a few videos of you in my phone. :>

Bevin Yap
Really good friend earlier in secondary school, throughout actually, cause of band.
I thought she looked really good in prom night, maturely dressed, I must say.
I don't remember much in class or school periods but I know we were like lunatics
in band practices and go wild all the time. We even gossiped in band, omg, I feel like I am the mean one, I mean it's every girls' instinct to bitch right?
Right so we were still friends throughout, band practices were like telling each others',
daily experiences, kinda cool, cause I just realized this, cause every band practice, we would tell each other what happened earlier that day in class. AND I remember how we hated our juniors very much, how we were afraid of our seniors and YOU forever afraid to go to the toilet alone to wash your horn mouthpiece.

Chua Seng Yang
Seng Yaaaang... Si paaa ku seng yanngggg! I bet this is how you'll be remembering me,
I mean, you're ought to. I went through hell a lot of hardship with you in art together with Sajida but she's an art whore, forever finishing her art on time and angkat the teacher's balls.
Our mysterious actions this year for art would inked in my mind forever, promise. Instax to remember that tiresome week. I love how you give me that annoy face after whenever I made fun of your name or mess your spongy hair. And, oh, gossip. How can I miss gossiping with you. I would remember how we tagged team and give each other faces or sulked or rolled eyes when that somebody gave it's comment and bossed around. Missing the times already! :>
I hope you will have a bright future anyway, just don't choose art, I know you don't like it.

You wasted my time believing what you said about ex-girlfriend. I still wonder why would you want to lie when I am telling my true story to you, Oh jeez, I did entrusted on you, and when
I knew the truth I was a shocked. And before I could questioned you, you disappeared and joined your indian group. But like I said, no hatin' no hatin'.
However, still questioned by your actions and words. Wake up your mind.
Mr Zuhri.

Mr Zuhri.

Great guy to talk to. Within minutes, I can pour out my feelings to him,
and he would always have something nice to say back, and of course, don't missed out bitchings with him, I needa catch up with you, AMERESHH!!
Sufian Yan

Sufian Yan
Well, I gave your a mission in the middle of the year. Haha was crazy, but in the end,
I was not up to it and got kinda put out with the idea. However, you are a good friend,
you bothered replying me in Malay despite my broken Malay. Luv you.
Wen Bei

Wen Bei
6 words to describe you. "Crazy Female Pervert Out Of Control"
Edmund Ng

Edmund Ng
Whatever comes from Woodlands, stay in Woodlands.
Sorry, I know I keep disturbing you about where you're living and how distant
is your hometown to where the school is. Best part, your parents made you get out of the house by 5:30am to go school by transport. Like omg, thats so early, I was only forced to wake up at 7am and need no transportation. Haha. Good friend, I like your butt cause it's firm like any other girls from playboy mansion. Haha kidding.

Justin Yeo
Legendary boy I would ever meet. Hands down. This guy is mad smart and sarcastic as hell.
One instance, I shared my problems with him and share stuffs with him, do did he, felt really great cause I knew him from Secondary 1 and felt right telling him.
Of course, he's part of the chinese gang, meaning, bitchings and gossips are what we do best in.
We would gossiped about people we hate and add disgusting factors in them and
laughed out loud at them. I would remember you for life, most def.
Mr Elaine Wong

Mr Elaine Wong
Rough times with you during Maths lessons, but your sarcasm was soon seen as a
boost for me, I knew it was your method to make me like your lessons and persevere and endure in maths problems which you are always flooding the whole class with worksheets during every lessons. I won't forget that time you were so pissed or maybe it was your period, till you boomed out to the whole class with your loud voice, terrifying indeed. It was like so out of the box. And I know when you shout at us with that loud voice, we can see sadness in you, really,
your hands start trembling, was a sad sight. Really sorry. I would put this matter across to you the next time I see you, promise.
Yap Li Hao

Yap Li Hao
Hands down for your sarcastic and rude comments towards teachers and strangely, always getting away from the discipline. Unfair, I did talk alot of cock with you during Chinese class cause it has been always a bore not like last year, we got to watch Paris&Milan shows always. :<

Siti Zulaikar.
I known you cause you were into underground hip hop and you adore black guys the most.
I really could not see all that when I first saw you, I thought you were more of into your culture and religion kind but soon when I found out your interests, trust me, I was bizzared.
Your mom also makes the best apok apok ever. I would visit her shop to buy, believe me. :)
And at the meantime, stay fly ma' nigga'.

Yip Yan Yee
Our relationship bonded really strongly this year. I found you as a very understanding friend, willing to listen kind, I won't forget you when I had my problems, you sent me a lengthy message to chill me down, I was happy that you'd observed me and knew that I was not feeling okay.
That message threw a deep impact on me till it made me cry, just by reading.
Cause I never knew, someone whom I hardly was close, could say phrases and lines hoping to chill me down. I truly appreciated that.
Day after that, I soon start appreciating people around me also, and I totally disliked people
disturbing you cause of your size and your use in English. Like seriously, I think it's really mean of them and they ought to know what kind of extraordinary friend you are. That is why I stood up for you when they poked you and made you feel so uncomfortable when there were rumors about you around. It was rude and absurd, someone need to put an end to it, so it would be me and it was. Well, this experience with you, Yan Yee, is that I really cannot judge somebody without reading it's contents. Cause of you, I really had learnt how to appreciate people around me better, and who knows, I would find somebody as awesome as you. :)
Stay happy, Yanyee, and don't let others' criticism get in your way in expressing yourselves.
Do know, you are really pretty inside.
Tan Soon Kiat

Tan Soon Kiat
I am so sorry if I disturbed you from the start cause you were so EPIC about last year's incident when you pooped in your pants and you thought it was just fart. Hearing about it can already made me laugh. Well, at least you took a photo with me, I take that as you forgave me. :)
Marcus Lee

Marcus Lee
My class smartest guy, he sleeps in class, laze in class, rude mannered towards teachers
but in studies, he's nobody's opponent. I would remember we would Poke, SuperPoke each other in class. So cute. He would say sarcasm and command at teachers. So funny, I swear.
"Magic show" "I believe" (inside joke)
Nigel again.

Nigel again.
Korean boy #2
So cute, I swear. Cutest chinese "boyfriend" everrrrrr.
Leroy Jun Wei

Leroy Jun Wei
Korean boy #1. All i know you were my best friend, Kok Wai's friend. :>
But you both are a total opposite, you are more mannered and when you like a girl,
you really really hunt her down without letting her know huh.
Hardly talked to you, but .... oh well, soon, I mean we planned to go karoake together right? :)
Joel Lim

Joel Lim
Part of bitches crew, we share gossips, bitchings and share the love of fashion among ourselves.
I love it how you exaggerate your hate on someone till it gets so comical. And salute you plus hands down for bravely slapping a girl, schoolmate of mine, right infront of my very eyes.
I believed you both will be enemies for life, for sure. We yet to catch up.
And I hope everythings' fine for you, if not, go booze yourself up, darling. :)

Wen Bei > Sue Ann > Me
We love groping our breasts and other girls' breasts and asses.
We would make sure we whooped them till they'd be on the ground struggling. Oh I love the days where we would give sudden groped or grab girls' boobs or ass, all for sure Wenbei likes licking on to people's faces, especially mine.
SueAnn will be forever sitting on everybody's lap and wriggle, and thinking that she is as light as feather when in fact she's like a bag of iron, small body but really heavy.
And god, she's a tough knot. I bet she can wrestle an armed guy or Sumo guy and not even losing.
Wenbei won the Crumpler bag through the school's lucky draw, means it's free.

Wenbei won the Crumpler bag through the school's lucky draw, means it's free.
$200+ crumpler free!? Okay, I am really jealous for that part. :(
She stole everybody's candy jar home, about 40-50 jars in there.
I managed to secure mine in my bag cause the sweet is badass!
Jack Qun Kai
You are just like another Tyson I knew.

Jack Qun Kai
You are just like another Tyson I knew.
Forever up to mischief in school and getting in deep shit
and you're weird, really weird. Cause you speak in a deep voice and sarcasm.
Dosen't go really well together. Ah wellls.
Tell me about it, seeing these photos already can make me cry
and I miss them all already! :(