dad's birthday

So, it was my dad's birthday, 15th june.
He was dying to bringing us to this restaurant at Malaysia.
I kinda expected the place to be bullshit but I was wrong.
I've no idea where is it exactly, is in the rural area, but strangely,
the restaurant is pretty much high class and has the best food ever,
the ambience, the kampong feel, the people working there, woahhhh!
for 17 years of my life, never tasted food which are that gooooooood and cheap.
Better than Singapore, and totally own every restaurant here in S'pore and M'sia.
To me.
The restaurant definitely worth the wait from Woodlands checkpoint. :)

My phone's my weapon. :>

My parents actually modeled for like all the way in the restaurant.

My vanilla shake, only $1.50 and it's awesome.

That's my sister and me! :>

My parents and me! :>
Realize we all have the same stressed up face.

My family did a little animation, was my idea.

My parents didnt know what's animation. -.-

Then my mom was a little slow.

We started using hands as weapons.

My sister decided to be sweet there while the rest start
strangling one another.
Ahhhh.. family life.