So, someone emailed me asking if I could elaborate myself further.
Because I have little information about myself in my info part.
And thanks anonymous for coming up like 20 questions for me.
Well, for you lovely readers, I will reply to all to the best I could.
1) Are you attached?
I supposed so.
2) Where do I shop?
Basics - Korean sprees, Uniqlo, CottonOn.
Others- Topshop, Forever21, Online shops.
3) How many shades do you have?
Haha, more than my fingers and toes. I can't count.
4) What is your favourite color?
Purple/teal/Black/silver .... never pink.
5) Where do you cut your hair?
The shop below my house, or for the bangs wise, I will
ask my friend to cut for me. :)
6) What school are you from?
Bendemeer secondary, serving my secondary 5.
7) What type of songs you like to listen? (I love all your blog songs)
Yea obviously, club dance house electro hiphop rap acoustic deathrock
deathdisco type of music. You get my point.
8) Do you club? If yes, where?
Nope. But I listen to deejays through cyberworld. (Y)
9) Do you smoke or drink?
Tried a few times, not addicted, I am not a fan of menthol/mint at all.
Drank once, not going to drink again till I'm legal.
10) What is your nationality?
Majority to the Malay side.
11) You learn Chinese in school? Why?
YESSSSSS! Honestly I didnt know till I was Primary 3
then I noticed that I'm the only Malay taking Chinese.
It's in my blood and my parents think it's wise to take Chinese.
12) Have you tongue kissed a girl? as in same gender as you.
Yes definitely. Years ago when my eyes were preyed for girl-guy like.
13) Do you think you have a good singing voice?
Uhm, not at all. But i like singing out loud these days.
I think I sound like a man all the time.
14) Why do you mix with chinese all the time?
Cause learning chinese makes me apart from malay.
Therefore I see I have a lot of similar interests with the
Chinese people I am always with.
And I do have some malay friends.
15) What type of movies you like?
Horror for sure, Comedy too, a dash of romance
but never anything got to do with wushu or some fucking war story.
16) What you want to do for your future?
Accumulate my money and go traveling.
And duh, a good paying job.
17) Who is your inspiration?

Hitgirl from Kickass, currently. :)
18) What kind of person are you really are?
I can laugh out loud for a very long period of time.
However I am only nice to those who are nice to me.
19) Do you believe in second chances?
Yeah, most prolly cause I believe in people too much that it seems an
advantage for them to take on me.
20) Will you close fakekill?
Not yet.
Because I have little information about myself in my info part.
And thanks anonymous for coming up like 20 questions for me.
Well, for you lovely readers, I will reply to all to the best I could.
1) Are you attached?
I supposed so.
2) Where do I shop?
Basics - Korean sprees, Uniqlo, CottonOn.
Others- Topshop, Forever21, Online shops.
3) How many shades do you have?
Haha, more than my fingers and toes. I can't count.
4) What is your favourite color?
Purple/teal/Black/silver .... never pink.
5) Where do you cut your hair?
The shop below my house, or for the bangs wise, I will
ask my friend to cut for me. :)
6) What school are you from?
Bendemeer secondary, serving my secondary 5.
7) What type of songs you like to listen? (I love all your blog songs)
Yea obviously, club dance house electro hiphop rap acoustic deathrock
deathdisco type of music. You get my point.
8) Do you club? If yes, where?
Nope. But I listen to deejays through cyberworld. (Y)
9) Do you smoke or drink?
Tried a few times, not addicted, I am not a fan of menthol/mint at all.
Drank once, not going to drink again till I'm legal.
10) What is your nationality?
Majority to the Malay side.
11) You learn Chinese in school? Why?
YESSSSSS! Honestly I didnt know till I was Primary 3
then I noticed that I'm the only Malay taking Chinese.
It's in my blood and my parents think it's wise to take Chinese.
12) Have you tongue kissed a girl? as in same gender as you.
Yes definitely. Years ago when my eyes were preyed for girl-guy like.
13) Do you think you have a good singing voice?
Uhm, not at all. But i like singing out loud these days.
I think I sound like a man all the time.
14) Why do you mix with chinese all the time?
Cause learning chinese makes me apart from malay.
Therefore I see I have a lot of similar interests with the
Chinese people I am always with.
And I do have some malay friends.
15) What type of movies you like?
Horror for sure, Comedy too, a dash of romance
but never anything got to do with wushu or some fucking war story.
16) What you want to do for your future?
Accumulate my money and go traveling.
And duh, a good paying job.
17) Who is your inspiration?

Hitgirl from Kickass, currently. :)
18) What kind of person are you really are?
I can laugh out loud for a very long period of time.
However I am only nice to those who are nice to me.
19) Do you believe in second chances?
Yeah, most prolly cause I believe in people too much that it seems an
advantage for them to take on me.
20) Will you close fakekill?
Not yet.