Happy pills 4 life

"Question Your Life"
Thanks boys for being there, I know you guys knew I am down.
You guys are always there, like close brothers, I know our skin our differ but
your sarcasm and critics somehow made me a stronger person.
I am really glad to meet you all.
KokWai, Brendan, Ian, Raj, Raymond and so on.
This post supposed to be posted pretty long ago.
And, thanks again to Bren, Kok and Ian for coming by my place to chill out,
and burn things which made me laugh hysterically even though it's so mean.
Now these boys got Allah's number.
(inside joke)
I know you guys are proud of me that I am attending such classes.

1) Ahbeng's walkman. 2) Ian's hairy hands.


Kok Monday. :)

Raj also known as Ke-ling kia. B)

1) No fringe siol. 2) Nice block nose.

1) Dog face. 2) Praying to Allah, huh.

Crystal Castles


Kok flew.

Human protractor, 90 degrees to be exact. :>

Then, we got really drunk and giddy.
