
I feel awful today.
O'level art result drained my whole mood throughout the whole day.
I am crying really badly inside.
I thought baby could cheer me up, but I don't know,
he seemed really worked up and even more
after every reply I get.
I guessed I shouldn't have texted him in the first place.
You know, baby, I've always missed the old times
when we were together, it is like nothing can go wrong,
you hug me, your fingers between mine, our curious minds,
your endless sayings on how much I am to you, on how much
I am different, on how much I am special to you and so much more.
Things really changed, huh?
You know, I always have these memories in my head before
I sleep, hoping that one day it will happen all again.
Now, it's so hard to even believe so.
I know you may think I am attention seeking, again,
but seriously, I've no idea how to convey and tell you personally.
I am not a straight-forward person either, I do not wish to hurt
anybody directly or indirectly.
I am not asking much from you.
I am just hoping, just hoping.
I will be back, when I feel better, maybe.