to p, or whatever,
I am 70% sure who the fuck are you.
P is so far away from your name la, pussy.
Please read, I waste a post just for you.
Hahaha, nice comments about me "criticizing" malays about my status on my board,
must have a great impact on you, my fellow bendemeerian.
Still, I don't feel offended at all.
Cause I don't act to be a Chinese, my parents have always wanted
me to study chinese, of course, I get influenced by Chinese.
I still believe in Allah, I still believe in the muslim bible.
I have malay friends, a malay boyfriend, a malay family.
Yeah, I have muslim blood, javanese blood, some chinese blood and even
some indian blood.
So, I can't be criticizing any race either,
cause I am also criticizing myself right, dumb shit.
And about the chinese food intake,
their chicken chop is A MUST TRYYYYY!!!!!
I am not lying, since Secondary 2, it has been my favourite.
The black pepper gravy... Woooo!
And it's chicken, you dumb shit.
It beats the malay stall's chicken rice like 100 times.
I eat what I love eating.
Woah you even know about my topshop pigskin oxfords!!
Some stalker you are, huh?
Do you know how comfortable or not to wear it or not?
It is fucking comfortable to wear, that's why
they use pig skin, you dumb shit, it has the
most alike skin as the human's, smooth texture and elastic.
$159 for it, didn't go to a waste rather those
cheap stupid shoes from cotton on.
And I do not celebrate christmas, it's just myself
receiving gifts, and just my name is in the CHRISTMAS.
CHRIST- MAS? ade paham?
You're in the express stream, I hope you get it.
You got the brains, I know, just lack of logic thinking.
Lastly, I am not criticizing any malays at all,
just that I truly, honestly do not fucking like some malay girls in the school.
Just that particular bunch in sec2 or 3 or wtv, not ALL.
Just saying my feelings what.
Too bad if you feel the impact uh, it wasn't even referring to you.

to you.
There you go,
You made me waste a post.
See you in school, and get ready to see me eat more the
chicken chop ;)