
Hi all, Sorry for long update.
You see, that's a problem when you have a new electronic device,
you just tend to stick to it, like last time,
when we had the Nitendo Gameboy, when I bought I was totally hooked in it,
I skip all my three meals just to complete my Pokemon Gold and Silver.
Now, this phone I just got, fucking got me damn hooked,
even though you're weren't in my hands for a day, lol,
I love Tap studio, I don't know, I can make my own Tap tap song.
The person who made this is some great genius.
Alright, random.
I didn't did anything productive this week, actually.
I had an eye infection, that suck, made me need to wear my specs,
which I am always squashing it with my body weigh, so ... you can imagine.
And speaking of specs, mom bought me a new specs, for 2010.
Cause I am always very lazy to put out my contact lens and I tend to sleep with them.
Thus, the fact that my eyes are bigger than most. lolmao to you if I burst your bubble.
I changed a little in my blog, and if my blog song gave you a shock,
then I am doing my job, it did gave me a shock at first.
And dosen't it sound so malay-ish for the first part, you know the kempang?
however you spell it. It's called heritage kind of sound.
you get my drift.
I have no idea what am I spouting about either.
And, help me do my nuffnang poll, above my links section, please?
And also click on the advertisement to donate to poor little Mastura. :(