
Izzati. :)

Pao & Pai! :)

Anis. I like her a lot.
Funny to learn that she smokes while her boyfriend dosen't.

This is her boyfriend.

Hello lovely readers.
I have a handful of good comments on my tagboard.
Saying about how interesting my blog is. Well, Thanks a lot for reading.
I know I am a sucky blogger at times, but hey, you guys are still reading.
Even people who I fucking hate, reads my blog.
Nuffnang does wonders when it comes to tracking my readers. Hehe.
Nah, maybe they're just curious about my life.
It's cool, I love you y'all, haters *Kanye West's accent*
And about my blog shop, I am not planning to open just yet.
But I could comfirm it would be open after 20th, after the flea which I am about to open
at Powerhouse at St' James Power station.
I just want to clear as much as I could.
Sorry for the early notification then.
Alright, so yesterday I went out with my sister's school friends.
They are all above 20s' but they are really nice people to be around with.
It's like I do not feel odd at all even though I am only 16.
Sheesha was the best part, but got giddy after sheesha-ing two of them.
Till my stomach got tired and sick.
Right, so next week, I wouldn't be updating my blog, I guess.
I will be a chalet for 4 full days, and saturday's for wavehouse event
and sunday's the flea! :)
Busy as it is.
Bye love you all.