arty farty

Hi cyberspace, I had my O'level art today,
yes, 3 hours of ass burning in the hall, I didn't complete my preparation work,
of course, I was doing halfway, and slept with the head on the table.
I only had an hour sleep, so imagine the dark circles.
I was really really really scared before the exams, cause
I thought I was the only one who hasn't finish the art. But phew,
I wasn't the only one, the rest, the ones taking O'level art, none of them
finished their preparation, some even just started like totally clueless.
Plus the final artwork I did was not even planned, but turned out pretty nice to me.
I feel accomplished and happy and sleepy.
Alright, bed and pillow's calling me.
Bye, luv u all, lurbx lurbx, *blowkiss* , xoxo
(extract from some girl's blog)
I remembered my old friend asked me this before.
"What's with all girls typing the "xoxo" all in texts,
they all fucking desperate for beer or what?
They couldnt afford, so they just have to type it and spam the damn message."
Hahaha, I remembered how paranoid she sounded like.
Oh, please help me click on the nuffnang advertisement just below the banner,
thank you, save my wallet, arigato konichiwa!