last minute

Current hairspiration. The color's damn nice.
Thanks Sheena for the showing me.
First girl or the second girl?
Today have the be the most weirdest day ever.
I came to school by a second late, immediately I kept scolding bad words
and walking around in circles right outside the gate, then the prefects,
thought I was crazy and let me in.
School fucking sucks, maths making me sick.
Chinese period is the best, chinese teacher let us watch funny clips in chinese,
which I find so fucking amusing.
So after school, went home. Had tuition, was pretty fast.
Then baby called me, accompanied him on the phone till he reached his work.
Immediately when I put down the phone.
Another call, from Sheena, what the fuck, I thought was those investment shit.
She wanted to meet me, I said I can't and plus the fact she has work like 7?
So, she was like okay okay okay.
Just like 15 mins later, she's outside my house.
She asked me to wear clothes I've never worn before, like dresses and stuffs.
Cause she said she wanted to upgrade her photography skills, which is a fucking lie.
Cam-whored, she dosen't want her face here though. K fine fine.
You sure to laugh cause I bet all my friends have not seen my in dresses.
Ha ha ha, in heels also.
Taken right outside my house.

Torn clothes are the best. Brace rings ftw!

My face was screwed in the first.
I bought this dress for 80 plus bucks and
I have not worn it out at all. Ha ha ha.
Feeling feeling model huh, Sheena.

Dorothy shirt dress, I bought for 60 plus bucks and didn't worn it all
ever since. The shoes also, too noisy cause they're heels.
Then Sheena went to work. Zooooooop!