
I do not know why but I feel really pissed.
It maybe over for nothing or I am being overly superstitious.
Seriously, if I had a nigger's dick, I would have deep throat the motha-fucking outta her.
Not only her but maybe other hers. Like another 3 or more?
Why with all relationship I have, there's always some girl try to get into
picture? Fuck my luck.
Trained home from outram, was in no mood cause my vision blurred,
there's this old caucasian woman sat beside me in the bus,
and we talked about how smelly the indian construction men were all the way
till those mens dropped off at little india.
She was nice to me, that before she go, she gave me a hug.
Stranger hug, awesome.
Ahhhhhh, anyways, this weekend's baybeats.
I've been thinking of I am going or not, maybe I am on the friday.
So please be there too on friday, and now I am wondering who to go with.
Bye, not so in the mood.