
Wassup-be readers. Today, I had school, I thought there weren't school.
I was 3 seconds close to being late for school, I can't believe I ran across the large
carpark to get to the school gate. Later, I had punishment for not bringing attire and all.
The punishment was pretty okay. I do not know, running around like crazy is pretty cool.
Yea, like what the fuck am I trying to say.
I studied a little after school, good work.
I've been thinking about it.
So, I thought I should ask you readers.
What's the best way to earn cash without doing nothing much.
I set a pole in a local forum, with replies like
"open a blog shop, sell your stuffs" "get a relak relak job"
and "just sell your stuffs in a flea"
Suggestion please! :(
My money's rushing out of my wallet fast.
It's not longer fat, more like thin and slim which is not good. :(
Mom's gonna kill me if she finds out my bank balance is left with a digit left.