hooked to 8 miles

Wassup-be human beings.
I've been watching "8 mile" the movie like 7 freaking times.
I don't know why, but everytime I watch it, I really fallen in love for Eminem, B rabbit.
He's so fucking hot, even hotter whenever I replay the disc all again.
Reminds of the blonde ang moh guy which smiled at me yesterday at CityLink. :)
He looks totally like Charlie from Lost! Oh my god, so fucking hot.
It would fucking cooler if it was Le Caste Vania guy smiling at me.
Wooooooooo! Okay enough of my fanatizing here and there.
So, I'm really hooked to 8 mile that I am intending to download some
of its soundtracks cause they're really underground and way too cool for an mp3 player.
Okay, I kinda dislike all the press (newpapers, televisions, radio stations).
They're forever spamming all over about Micheal Jackson's death.
I mean he's already dead for good cause of over usage of pills. Yes, I pity him too.
Then before he's even dead,
some public were like "MJ is like so gay, he rapes small kids you know..."or "MJ so ugly in his new makeover, not nice not nice ...."
Then now, all act like fanatics saying "Omg, how can MJ die? boo hoo hoo! king of pop!"
Irony much. Just let Micheal Jackson sleep in peace forever uh.
Everyone need sleep you know.
Oink, I need to watch 8 mile again to chill down.
I bought lays chips and starbucks bottled drink ready to watch 8 mile all over again.
Bye. xx