Hi I am back!

Hey Readers! I know I've been absent from the cyberworld for
way too long. I'd missed so many people like
Peixin, Eugena, Brendan, KokWai, Raj ... so on.
My mom sort of pestered me to bring some friends to the chalet.
I declined cause it was way too far for them and I am just plain lazy.
So I spent my bungalow stay days with my cousins.
Many pictures were taken cause I was sort of wanted a mass picture update.
Right, so it is pretty much of it.
I watched the sunset by the beach after like many years.
I met my long lost cousins after like many years.
I watched the movie Mirrors, not making me look at mirrors again.
I got my nails all re-colored.
I ate a lot, worst than a glutton.
Anyways, I think my fat cousin boy, Jamal, looks more and more like Patrick
from spongebob squarepants. Fucking adorable.

1) That's my smelly pillow and me. 2) My fat cousin! :)

Flower power! :)

1) My sis and her friends. 2) My sis and me and her friend.

My cousins and me camwhored in the car. :)
Don't we all love self-timers.

1) Preparing to jump. 2) Tryna act cranky and punk.

I swear I looked like a long haired rocker guy.

My sissy and me! :)

Adults these days..... are weird as ever.

These are the long lost cousins I was talking about. haha.
And it was the last night there, so my cousin and me cam-whored like no tomorrow.

I forced him in this. Walao. He so kiuuuuuuuuuuuuute! zomg!

Matrep tak jadi. :)