
Hi cyberworld. I've been wondering if I should dye my hair.
I'm pretty sick of my petite colored hair. I want something like pretty different.
Anyways, Ikea with Peixin. We spent there for like hours, ended up getting less than 2 buck items. Dinner at Ikea was power, curry chicken, slurps.
Taxi back to BoonKeng, extra power cause we both so centre minded,
we went to hail for an 8 seat taxi. So resulting us having the taxi to our own.
And, the usuals and me took a bus ride home.
I got the bus driver angry cause I clicked the bus bell over 50 times.
Because the bell sounded really cute. So I started making rhythms with it.
Yes, I've made somebody angry over a cute bus bell.
Oh, I just did a little reflection of myself while I was munching on Ikea's biscuits.
I guess I used to be so secretive and double face. That's past.
I think I way too kind now, and way too nice to people already till people
start stepping over me. Oh, how life could be so irony at times.
Somebody please cheer me up.