This collection by far is the most respectable for, on par with Gareth Pugh and Yohji Yamamoto. It kinda reminded me of Thierry Mugler's pieces. Who says Korea is all about KPOP and plastic surgery. I've always known them as the strictest fashion industry. I'm serious, they really read by the line "One day you're in, the next day you're out" tag line from Project Runway. This collection from 송혜명, named "DOMINIC WAY" definitely caught my eyes instantly as I was browsing and trying to study a tad of Korean fashion. She is a true inspiration to me. Real diamond. Without much more to say about these beautiful Homme pieces. This has to be the winner. I mean look at that hardwork she put in those chains. I really love this collection a lot cause it's super goth, the spikes, chains, dark, boots, velvet ..... super indie. My favourite cause I do have to agree it's hard to pursue d...