(le camwhore) Well, it's the time of the month where the ITE put an end their 2-years hardwork on projects and assignments. baby invited me to his graduation ceremony at ITE DOVER. Thankful, yes. Hahaha! Though I was listed as guest, we had to sit on the stairs cause the whole auditorium was full, I was fine with it, AS A GUEST. Hahaha but baby was so filled with anger ... like merely... But there weren't any tables. So phew... He and a few of his friends didn't rent the graduation robes so they had zero chances of shaking hands with god-knows-who was that. All I know he had a potential TROLL face really. Ah well, what I heard is that, they were given this empty red booklet when shaking hands with that unknown dude. Quote: EMPTY. Hahaha. So to prevent the herd, they took their results and we set off for dinner with few more of his friends. Here are a few snaps, and of course, my boyfriend look really handsome that day....