everyday i am nafa-ing.

Okay, so i guess some are wondering how am I doing in NAFA, well if you're not, shut up cause you're still reading this. Hehe. I am fine with my class, however my class is known as the most laziest and bimbotic class through the first year, seriously, it didn't even deter me one bit. It isn't my class's wrong when there's like 90% are all foreigners, when most of the time, they do not understand the criteria of assignments. Anyhow, still loving my class. Tony Cruise Lee. (He calls himself that, laugh out loud at first, but i gotten use to calling him that.) Huiting, we're almost together all the time. :> Serene Ng. Martin! Khais. Not from my class but he's in my sculpture class, Bitchings with him are always fun! Haha! Arwin, Khais. Me and huiting again! Yay us!